1. Xavier P.

  2. Gabriel Y.

  3. Drew J.

  4. Jason F.

  5. Jason J.

  6. Ashley L.

  7. Leo K.

  8. Zach V.

  9. Justin D.

  10. Kevin V.

  11. Orion P.

  12. Kendrick N.

  13. Jino C.

  14. Tunde A.

  15. Charlie M.

  16. Tosten B.


  1. Alisa T.

  2. Matthew B.

  3. Ben B.

  4. Jermaine T.

  5. Cameron C.

  6. Humbi C.

  7. Vignesh N.

  8. Gideon R.

  9. Benjamin S.

  10. Zachary H.

  11. Matthew C.

  12. Shane R.

  13. Manny M.

  14. Damian B.

  15. Felix K.

  16. Adnan M.


  1. Julie F.

  2. Shannon K.

  3. Victoria G.

  4. Nadia S.

  5. Cat K.

  6. Annie S.

  7. Joanne P.

  8. Jenna P.

  9. Ashley L.

  10. Marie R.

  11. Molly C.

  12. Mia B.

  13. Meredith L.

  14. Lisa Y.

  15. Sandy A.

  16. Hannah S.



A: Xavier P.(15 wins)
B: Jordan C.(18 wins)
W: Sandy A.(12 wins)


A: Jermaine T.(20 losses)
B: Henry J.(23 losses)
W: Sandy A.(10 losses)


A: Orion P.(26 matches)
B: Henry J.(27 matches)
W: Sandy A.(22 matches)


Sign-ups open until July.

Please note, you are able to sign up for more than one ladder. A League and B League are mixed gender. The Women’s League is for women only and for all levels of play.

If you played last year, no need to re-register. Just sign in to your TennisRungs account to view and join 2024 leagues.



  • You may issue 2 challenges at a time.

  • You can only be challenged by one player at any given time.

  • You may challenge up to 5 spots.

  • If you win your challenge, you take your opponent’s spot and they will be will be bumped down 1 spot.

  • If challenged, you will have 3 days to "Accept" or "Deny" the challenge or the challenge will be considered a "forfeit" and the challenger will be granted the win.

  • By accepting a challenge, you agree to play the challenge within 10 days after the date of acceptance. If you cannot play within 10 days, simply "Deny" the challenge and the challenger will be rewarded the win and can move on.

  • If a challenge is accepted and not played within 10 days, it will expire and the challenge will be deleted from the system and will have to be re-issued. Of course, since rankings continually change, a re-challenge may not be possible.

  • Since challenges expire and disappear after 10 days, an effort must be made by both players to play the match within this time frame. If anyone is abusing this rule (avoiding a challenge match in order to protect their spot) they will be dropped 5 spots or removed from the ladder. Please practice good sportsmanship.

Match Play

  • Choose a location that is convenient for both players.

  • Players should agree on a match format before they begin. 8-game pro set, best-of-3 sets, Fast4, etc.

  • Both players must bring an unopened can of balls. The winner of the match will take home the unused can.


  • If you hold a wildcard, you may challenge anyone above you.

  • An additional wildcard will be granted after 4 matches have been played. 

  • Wildcard matches cannot be won by forfeit, they must be actually played and won.

Temporary Leave Policy

  • You may take a temporary leave at any point through the website or app.

  • For every week you’re on leave, you will be dropped 2 spots.


  • After 21 days of no activity player will be dropped 5 spots.

  • After 42 days of no activity player will be dropped 5 more spots.

  • After 63 days of no activity player will be dropped out of the ladder spots.

Championship Qualification

  • The Summer Slam championship tournament will take place at the Courts in October. Everyone who participated in the ladder is invited. The top 16 players in each ladder who are able to attend will compete in the championships.

  • Players must play a minimum of 10 matches in order to qualify for the championships.


  • Your ladder admin is The Courts and can be emailed at hello@thecourts.net if you have any questions.